Sunday, October 6, 2019

Territorial Task of Bintara Guards Village to Keep the Region Resistance

Rumadi University of Wisnuwardhana Malang, Indonesia


As we all know in this era of globalization developments give a tremendous impact on the sovereignty of the state where the mastery of a country with a long ways through direct war path had been left to change the war strategy indirectly by mastering life is multidimensional. Soldiers and advanced weaponry no longer the monopoly of violence against humanity, but rather do the devices previously imagined civilians. Phenomena is then that the term which is better known as Asymmetric War.

At the lowest level of existence and the role of the Army as a territorial Trustees in order to realize the space, tools and conditions of the fighting is not a new thing in the life of the nation and the State tat Indonesia. As Trustees of the territorial army together elements of the military and government actually shoulder the duty and responsibility together to create conditions conducive to the survival of national development activities.

The growing level of threat prompted the military to immediately clean up the attitude of the people always criticize and discredit the military in a position sandwiched and dilemma TNI as if detached from the people, addressing the situation develops so rapidly confronted with the readiness of the region that had been divina by regional military commands, so in this case territorial guidance functions become more important given the opposition and the dynamics of life in the area can open up opportunities for the creation of destabilizing security vulnerabilities. Therefore, the holding of the Binter Binter is important to realize the function to serve as a strong foundation for the creation of resiliency and also can simultaneously support Sishanta interests.

In the execution of daily tasks Babinsa confronted with problems related to society therefore needs to be given Babinsa special education in the field of territorial demands. Babinsa number of personnel in each Koramil still very limited, while the duties of the target region is vast and complex so that the affairs of the Agency Koramil frequently also be Babinsa. Besides, most of the region Babinsa have more responsibility is greater. The noncommissioned officer in carrying out his duties, it is generally not understood in detail about the scope of the guidance territorial responsibility. Quality Babinsa currently possessed by individuals considered good,

Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0810 Nganjuk still considered weak so that the empowerment of the region is not optimal, such as not creating togetherness apparatus territorial and community in maintaining security in the region, the lack of optimum mutual understanding and togetherness and community participation to participate in support the creation of a sense of security and comfort in the area. Conducting a limited budget so the implementation Binter Binter in preparing potential of the region in the interests of the defense system cannot be implemented optimally.


A. Theory of Public Policy

Dye in Islamic (2004: 18), defined as any public policy chosen by the government to do or not do. Furthermore, Dye said that if the government chooses to do something that it has no purpose (objective) and the discretion of the state government should include all actions be not merely an expression of interest is not the government or government officials only. Besides, something not done by any government including the discretion of the state. This is because "something was done" by the government will have an effect equal to the "something done" by the government.

B. Territorial Development Concepts

Said (2002) explains that the implementation of the territorial function implemented territorial activities consist of activities of territorial development and territorial operations. Territorial development actions are joint military activities of the people to work together in improving the welfare of society in order to materialize resiliency and sensitivity of the community in the field of national defense. Territorial development carried out continuously in areas that directly benefit the community and have a correlation with the aspect of national defense. While the territorial operations are military activities with the people in improving territorial development activities are limited goals, completion time, number of personnel, equipment and funds.

C. The concept of the village level noncommissioned andRegional Resilience
Ø Village level noncommissioned
Babinsa is a too long from the village level noncommissioned under Koramil (Mustafa, 2008: 35). Babinsa is implementing the territorial management dealing directly with rural communities and with all problem full pluri potency.

Ø Regional resilience
Fostering Resilience region, are all efforts and activities associated with the planning, preparation, development, deployment and control in order to realize the resilience of the dynamic in a region with increased sensitivity, awareness, and public participation in warding off any threat, interference, obstacles and challenges endanger the sovereignty and territorial integrity (Bakti Bujuknik TNI, 2004).


A. Types of research
This type of research used in this case is a qualitative research where the method of research is in the form of a framework in a particular study, in order to measure and analyze the data so that it can address the problems of research. David Williams (Moleong, 2007: 4) states qualitative research is collecting data on a natural background by using natural methods and done by people or researchers who are interested in nature.

B. Research focus

Problems with attention and research purposes as stated above. This research is focused on:
1. Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In
Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 Kediri. 
a. Regional Resilience Coaching Methods
b. Social Communication Methods 
c. Methods Bhakti TNI
2. Factors that inhibit and promote the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 Kediri.

a. Internal Resources and the limited facilities and infrastructure in Binter

b. External coordination with relevant agencies, as well as
the weak level of education and socio-cultural for the people in the territory of

C. Data Analysis Techniques
Analysis of qualitative data according to Bogdan and Biklen (Miles and Hubberman, 1992: 14) is the effort made by working with the data organize data, sorted them into units that can be managed synthesize seek and find patterns, find what is important and what is learned and decide what can be told to others. The activities described in the data analysis, among others, the reduction of the data (data reduction), presentation of data (data display), and conclusion / verification (conclusion drawing / verification).

Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 Kediri

A. Regional Resilience Coaching Methods

The results showed that the implementation of the duty NCO adviser village in maintaining the resilience of the region through methods Bintahwil is all the effort, work and actions organized by units of the Army in order to realize the power of defense aspect of the land, both concerning the defense area as well as the supporting force of the resistance in all aspects of life and have the ability and skills as well as defending the state, to ward off any threats and interference that jeopardize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, especially in the district of Ngajuk has been performing well.

Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 Kediri through methods Bintahwil can be executed according to the purpose bintahwil increase the deterrent power against all forms of threats by growing awareness to defend the country and the preparation of the region's defense on the ground while the target in maintaining and increasing the resilience of the region by growing awareness to defend the country, the implementation process of the preparation of the defense potential of the region in an integrated, focused and maintaining the responsiveness and alert the public to the possibility of the emergence of potential threats through prevention efforts.

B. Social communication

The results showed the implementation of tasks territorial Babinsa through methods Komsos in maintaining the resiliency of surrogate in Kediri has been implemented with the work and activities organized for submission of mind and outlook Babinsa related to the empowerment of the region's defense on land covering an area of defense and his supporters as well as building, maintain, improve and strengthen oneness-People's Army.

Social communication indicates that communication is important to build self-concept, to survive, self- actualization, happiness, to avoid pressure and dependence, among others through entertaining communication, and relationships with others. Through social communication TNI can cooperate with members of the community (family, study groups, universities, RT, RW, village, town, and country as a whole) to achieve a common goal.

C. Methods Bhakti TNI
The results showed that in the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 Kediriini seen TNI actively involved in humanitarian activities is the embodiment of Bhakti TNI implemented in the activities of Bhakti such as work practices bhakti en masse in the aftermath of the landslide, and Bhakti activities to clean up the place of worship.

Implementation method of Bhakti TNI as a form of territorial development, especially in the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 Kediri can also be said to be doing well because Kodim able mengimplementasikaannya in accordance with what is stated in Skep KASAD No. 98 / V / Date 16 May 2007 on territorial development.

Factors that inhibit and promote the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 Kediri

A. Internal Resources and the limited facilities and infrastructure in Binter
The results showed the implementation of coaching terotorial conducted constrained the ability of apparatus be a good communicator and portray themselves as protectors of society and the limited facilities / infrastructure used to support the work of staff Kodim and operational activities of the tasks of the Kodim, incomplete completeness communication tools and means for mobility members, therefore, hindering from the aspect of readiness for operation, but from the aspect of community development is certainly good enough condition for indirect Kodim personnel have been fused with the environment that is society.

One of the efforts that determine the success of the empowerment of the territorial authorities in support of the management of defense is applied in Kodim 0809 is the availability of facilities and infrastructure that support the establishment of an implementation of the duties and functions of the District Military Command in maintaining the defense area. Supporting infrastructure required physical and nonphysical includes use of devices for purposes of military operations of war (OMP) and military operations other than war (MOOTW) according to the level given to the Kodim unit. Complete Kediri District Military Command unit with base facilities include office buildings, housing, conference hall, meeting rooms, buildings / sports facilities, terrain and exercises, as well as the necessary infrastructure for the development unit and the performance of its duties. Needs of facilities / infrastructure such bases are used in order to support the work of the staff Kodim and operational activities of the duties of the District Military Command, so that the working mechanism can work as a real need. However, there are problems faced by Kodim from this aspect and greatly affect its performance that is the base for a place to stay for a missing Kodim personnel, mostly from Kodim personnel were outside the base. Therefore, this hinders the readiness aspects of the operation, but from the aspect of community development is certainly good enough condition for indirect Kodim personnel have been fused with the environment that is society. This is by the commander can be used as a potential to maintain relationships with people in the region. The theory behind the theory of convenience, the theory of the tool, facilities theory, and the theory of priority. This theory is used to see the importance of defense capabilities possessed by a nation in empowering territorial authorities in support of defense management.

B. External coordination with relevant agencies, as well as the weak level of education and socio-cultural for the people in the territory

In the external field in the form of implementation Binter Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping in Kodim 0809 Regional Resilience is not apart from the lack of coordination and transparency issues while in other areas is weak level of formal education is not adequate community, moreover with a strong community culture custom Java. Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 should be supported by the ability to master the region is to follow developments in society that includes political, economic, social, cultural, religious and psychology for the determination of the things that can impede the course of development and participate in moving the development planning and implementation. In addition to the ability teiritorial foregoing a Babinsa must have five Territorial capabilities that are always remembered and implemented, then the ability in question is the ability to Quick Meet Fast Report, Territorial Management Capability, Regional Mastery Ability, Capability Development Guidance of the People, and Social Communication Capabilities used to minimize threats in the field of regional resilience related to existing socio-cultural communities.


1. Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kediri District Military Command 0809 includes
a. Endurance Coaching Methods territory
Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 Kediri through methods Bintahwil can be executed according to the purpose bintahwil increase the deterrent power against all forms of threats by growing awareness to defend the country and the preparation of the region's defense on the ground while the target in maintaining and increasing the resilience of the region by growing awareness to defend the country, the implementation process of the preparation of the defense potential of the region in an integrated, focused and maintaining the responsiveness and alert the public to the possibility of the emergence of potential threats through prevention efforts.

b. Social communication

The results showed the implementation of tasks territorial Babinsa through methods Komsos in maintaining the resiliency of surrogate in Kediri has been implemented with the work and activities organized for submission of mind and outlook Babinsa related to the empowerment of the region's defense on land covering an area of defense and his supporters as well as building, maintain, improve and strengthen oneness-People's Army.

c . Methods Bhakti TNI

The results showed that in the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 Kediri seen TNI actively involved in humanitarian activities is the embodiment of Bhakti TNI implemented in the activities of Bhakti such as work practices bhakti en masse in the aftermath of the landslide, and Bhakti activities to clean up the place of worship.

2. Factors that inhibit and promote the execution of tasks Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 Kediri

a. Internal Resources and the limited facilities and infrastructure in Binter constrained the ability of apparatus be a good communicator and portray themselves as protectors of society and the limited facilities / infrastructure used to support the work of staff Kodim and operational activities of the tasks of the Kodim, incomplete completeness communication tools as well as a means to mobility members.

b. External coordination with relevant agencies, as well as the weak level of education and socio-cultural for the people in the territory of

In the external field implementation Binter in the form of Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Resilience Territory in Kodim 0809 can not be separated from the lack of coordination and disclosure, while in other areas is weak level of formal education community is not adequate, in addition to the cultural community with a strong custom Java.


1. Army soldier, and there are security guards rural areas need to coordinate together to ward off a variety of crimes and threats are emerging and evolving community.

2. In realizing the professionalism of soldiers Army every
soldier should improve the insight and improve higher education.

3. To Duties Territories village level noncommissioned In Keeping Regional Resilience in Kodim 0809 will require a heightened awareness of the public to participate significantly in the ward and tackle crime problem to be cooperate with the Patronage Babinsa region.

4. Need to keep early awareness as part of the anticipation to overcome the various crimes that arise in the community, where the community needs to act quickly to report the necessary information related to the crime. This issue will certainly get the attention when a society will avoid the problem of interference or threats that come from within and from outside

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